Get Rid of Spider Veins

September 8, 2009

Get Rid of Spider Veins

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Spider veins are recognisable by their thin, branch-like or spiderweb shape and they usually appear on the legs. People at risk for this problem include those that stand for long hours, individuals that are severely overweight, pregnant women and those with a history of blood clots. While they aren’t painful it’s often desired to get rid of spider veins because of the unattractive and embarrassing appearance.

Difference between varicose veins and spider veins

For most people the easiest way to tell the difference between varicose veins and spider veins is in their appearance. It’s often much easier to get rid of spider veins because they are much smaller, usually no more than 3mm. Spider veins are found just under the surface of the skin and can be purple, red or even blue. Of course, the easiest way to recognize a spider vein is by its shape: spider veins appear in a spider’s web or a linear pattern. Varicose veins, however, are much larger and look like ropes pushing upwards out of the skin.

There’s also a difference in treatment between varicose veins and spider veins. It is much simpler to get rid of spider veins with sclerotherapy, laser treatment or creams. Varicose veins, on the other hand, do not respond well to sclerotherapy, a treatment that involves the injection of a fluid into the vein.

Home remedies to get rid of spider veins

As with anything there are a number of home remedies people turn to to get rid of spider veins. One of the easiest to try is support hose, which are very tight are are meant to improve circulation in the legs. Support hose are used by thousands of women to get rid of spider veins but unfortunately they are not very effective. Support hose work best in preventing spider veins but are very uncomfortable, hot and hard to walk in.

Exercise can also be used to get rid of spider veins but it’s definitely not something to rely on. While exercise is great for the heart and waist band it does little to combat the problem and get rid of spider veins. The last thing you can try by yourself to get rid of spider veins is avoid standing for hours. If possible, rest during the day by sitting down occasionally. This can prevent and get rid of spider veins but, again, it’s not guaranteed and doesn’t address the problem for everyone.

Treatment methods for spider veins

The most common treatment for spider veins is a procedure called sclerotherapy. This procedure has been used for at least a hundred years and involves using a needle to inject a sclerosing solution into the blood vessel of spider vein. This can be a good way to get rid of spider veins but it can be very frightening and painful to have an injection in the leg.

Sclerotherapy works by causing the vessel to well and the blood inside to clot. Eventually the vessel turns into scar tissue and fades away. One of the worst parts about sclerotherapy is this: one injection may not be enough! It’s very common to require multiple injections to see an improvement and get rid of spider veins. Lastly, sclerotherapy can be costly: up to $400 per session isn’t unheard of. For these reasons sclerotherapy isn’t a good option for many people.

Best way to get rid of spider veins

By far the best way to get rid of spider veins for good without a painful procedure is with a supplement that contains a number of proven, beneficial ingredients. Diosmin for one is known to protect the vascular system and is commonly used to treat varicose veins, lymphedema and hemorrhoids. Diosmin also has natural anti-inflammatory properties that can diminish the appearance and help get rid of spider veins.

Hesperidin is another great ingredient that protects your body and prevents varicose veins, spider veins and bruising. Horse chestnut extract should also be used to improve the circulatory system and get rid of spider veins no matter how severe they are.

Butcher’s Broom extract should be used for its effectiveness at treating circulation and vein problems. Butcher’s Broom and all of these ingredients are proven to work together to prevent and get rid of spider veins.

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